Jatubs's WorldEmber 2021 - 5/ 23 prompts completed | World Anvil

Jatubs Progress Report

The Outlaw's Lament

The folk song sung by those on the run from the law, lamenting all that they've lost along the outlaw's trail.

422 words

City-State of Axiom

The massive metropolis founded far from civilization, standing as cultural and trading hub of the world.

3897 words

Tomb of the Warenders

The ruined halls that hold the Ezdhûlian Alliance's greatest secrets, forgotten and left to rust.

1280 words

Khyarmani Sailshaman

The strange voodoo-wielding shamans who command storm, sail, rigging, wood, and space alike.

1239 words

The Iconoclast

The Cursed Ship that prowls the world's waters, hunting living and dead alike to one day break their heinous curse.

1723 words

Jatubs Progress so far

8561 words 85.61% completed!

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Just a guy who enjoys playing Dungeons and Dragons, building homebrew content, and hanging out with friends. I love combining high-tech stuff with fantasy settings because I'm weird like that, and my design philosophy tends to lean towards "The more ridiculous, the better". Higher power scaling and/or higher numbers are fun, just like High Fantasy!

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