Shawpatin Falls by sintaqx | World Anvil Manuscripts | World Anvil

In the world of Rifts - Something Passed By

Visit Rifts - Something Passed By

Ongoing 4026 Words

Chapter 4

108 0 0

The day dawns crisp and cool, cool enough, in fact, to have a layer of frost covering everything. In town the vendors are just setting up their stalls in the market square. One entrepreneurial individual has set up a food cart and is serving a hot breakfast of sausage, eggs, hash browns, and pancakes for 5 credits.

As 0800 rolls around, Zlod’s newly-acquired crew begins to assemble. Reinhard arrives just before light and hunkers down near a rocky outcrop to wait. Mace rolls up on her motorcycle at 0800 sharp, paniers and pack loaded with equipment.. Though she is taken aback somewhat by the enormous gargoyle, she doesn’t allow it to show. A slight twitch in her trigger finger belays her nerves. Her eyes are drawn to Xhaiden.

“Alright, Cap, didn’t realize this was bring your kid to work day.” Mace directs her comments to Zlod, “Where are we going?” Mace is about average height and wearing light infantry armor. A pair of blasters ride on her hips, a sheathed knife on her forearm, sword on her back, hilt down at her right hip, and she has a particle-beam rifle in a scabbard on the bike.

The morning has Xhaiden preparing for heading out. He takes the moment before the are off to fill in about the potential Ankeg’s in the area explaining, “They dig tunnels underground and eat things such as the animals.” As they approach the stand he will purchase a breakfast both for himself as well as Zlod seeming to take pride in the fact he can purchase a meal for the other also taking time to explain what he learned of the nearby area in his exploration. General markers and things he has seen.

At the arrival of the Reinhard Xhaiden will rush over to give the creature a high five. He doesn’t make any comment on Mace’s words watching the gargoyle for a moment before asking, “Can you eat food?”

Zlod is busy finishing up his breakfast as the others start to show up. “I’ll let him explain, as it is his business. As for where we are going we are heading to the outside of a cave a while away. Here is the directions.” Zlod says as he hands over the written directions. Zlod is equipped with an array of weapons hanging from his large frame. He has a sword across his back, a neural mace hanging from one hip, a rail gun power back hanging from his other hip, the rail gun in his hands, and a particle beam rifle across his back. “We aren’t going into the cave until we scout the surrounding area. Hopefully gain some more intel about what this thing is in the cave. The JAL wants us to wait another day before going in but I want to guard the cave in case this thing comes out to hunt.”

Reinhard lowers an enormous clawed hand to the elf-child can slap it. “Ich kann eat food but it does nothing. It is täuschung, deceit, part of die illusion.”

Mace takes the directions and looks them over. “Other side of the river, alright. Best bridge is the trestle bridge near the falls. The other bridge is about 12 miles the other direction. How are you all fixed for transport?” She looks them over, taking particular note of their mobility.

“But sometimes it is just for fun. Next time I will bring you one of the sausages.” Xhaiden both signs and speaks a large grin spread upon his features before turning to the others, seeming to catch the last part of Mace’s words. Speaking and signing he adds, “They have a lot of guns.” he doesn’t interrupt but he offers her a friendly wave getting before signing, ‘Hello.’ He pauses for a moment looking to Zlod, “That is where the humans that hate us are. Might shoot most of us.”

“Well Reinhard can carry me, and the little guy can fly. You got your motorcycle, so we should be able to make it pretty quick.” Zlod says to Mace’s question. “We’ll have to get some better transportation when we can afford it, but just got to make due with what we have for now. I can also do a fair clip running, and I have some serious endurance. Lets take the trestle bridge. If we run into trouble we can always take the other bridge. Besides they don’t want trouble with a bunch of well armed mercs. They want to harass the unarmed refugees. I can always try to talk my way out if need be. Ok lets head out.”

At Zlod’s words, Xhaiden looks over to Mace, “May I ride with you miss? I promise not to slow you down.” He continues to sign as he speaks, “Won’t be a bother at all.” He lowers his voice with a conspiratorial grin, “It looks super-fast.”

Reinhard takes ahold of Zlod and lifts him up to his shoulders. " Hold on as tight as you want, you cannot harm me easily. We will fly low through die canyon to der bridge und meet Frau Mace. Unless you want to fly straight to die cave?"

Mace regards Xhaiden for a long moment, then shrugs. “Fine, you can tell me what a kid is doing in a merc company while we ride. This group sounds like the start of a bad joke. An elf kid, a lizard, and a gargoyle walk into a bar…” She grins, “should be interesting to see what the punchline is.”

Mace mounts up and hoists Xhaiden to the seat behind her. With a nod to Zlod, she heads off down the dirt road, spraying dirt behind her.

“Yes let's meet Mace. I don’t want to get separated for too long.” Zlod says as he sits on the shoulders of the giant gargoyle robot. He holds on tight which is easy for his strength as he waits for the gargoyle to take off.

Reinhard grunts, “Brace yourself, das can be rough,” and leaps powerfully into the air. The action is violent, and Zlod has a difficult time keeping his head from snapping back. With a couple of beats from the massive wings, the gargoyle levels out and begins skimming the ground. A minute later he courses over the canyon wall and immediately dives steeply into the gorge. It’s like skydiving, the feeling of freefall and the rush of wind before the gargoyle levels out. With the speed gained from the 150 foot freefall, he glides swiftly and quietly about 10 to 15 feet off the water at nearly 80 miles per hour. Barely 2 minutes after taking off, Reinhard reaches the trestle bridge. Gaining altitude and backwinging, he comes to roost among the trestle timbers.

Mace rides along at a steady clip, slow enough that Xhaiden can speak over the wind and noise of the bike. Threading her way among the few morning travelers, she reaches the bridge a couple minutes after Reinhard. From here the cave is about 20 miles to the south, among the mountains that rise in the area.

“Okay cool.” Xhaiden signs thinking as he gets on the bike as they start, “Not gonna be able to make too much out, but you just want to hear my story I guess.” He pauses for a moment, “Well haven’t been here long, but things were normal before… then the CS did what they did and I met Zlod. He keeps me safe. I trust him.” He holds tight as they travel along adding, “Not completely useless I do know how to track and know when people are setting up ambushes. Elves are the bestest at hunting and tracking. I figure he kept me safe getting here so I am gonna keep him safe too. He’s my brother after all. I can’t make force shields or anything like that, but well I can do some stuff.”

“Not completely useless. Alright, that’s better than some mercs I’ve known.” Mace muses as they approach the end of the bridge. “You’re going to need to expound on that ‘some stuff’ a bit. Seeing as you’re not armored up nor carrying a gun, I’m guessing your ‘some stuff’ plays into that.”

Not seeing her lips move Xhaiden does not respond to Mace’s words however he does continue on, “Oh I know sign language cause… well you know. But I can know a little of the hand signals my brother uses cause it is kinda close enough. Oh I am really good with a bow too for hunting, but it wasn’t in the shop yet. I like using my sling better though, cause just cause I’m an elf I don’t want people to think I am good at using a bow, hunting, tracking, and moving in the forest to find landmarks. I am, but people judging on looks is wrong right?” after a pause he adds, “I don’t know if you said yes or no. I am guessing yes cause that is what all the adults say.”

Zlod takes a deep breath as they land letting himself relax a bit after that exhilarating ride. “Ok let us follow Mace in the air on the way to the cave. We should make it there before too long. Everyone keep an eye out in case there are any hostiles around. Ok let's go.”

“Sign language, great. I guess the bike noise won’t bother you then.” At Xhaiden’s comment on judgment Mace simply shrugs her shoulders, muttering “Shit happens.” Focusing on the rough road ahead, she picks up speed. “Proceeding to the target location,” she calls out over the radio.

Reinhard drops off the bridge, a less jarring action than a leap from the ground, but as sphincter-puckering as any unrestrained drop would be. Using the speed he beats his wings to gain more speed and some altitude. At the first set of falls, he soars out of the canyon, rapidly gaining altitude. At around 3000 feet he levels off, picking up speed. Far below Mace’s dust trail can be seen, picking her way along the rough dirt roads.

“Scanning for hostiles. Two airborne contacts on radar, hovercycles, 12 miles out. Near a herd of cattle. Should be no factor. Road looks clear.” Reinhard relays over comms.

From this altitude, the canyon where the creature has holed up is clearly visible. Large herds of cattle can be seen moving around, some penned by fencing, others free-ranging. Irrigated fields, farmhouses, barns, and equipment dots the land below. Roads, trails, and creeks crisscross the landscape.

The group reaches the canyon without incident, A short way up the canyon Reinhard descends to land, meeting up with Mace.

“Ich could not see die cave from above.” Reinhard reports as he lowers Zlod to the ground. Zlod likewise did not see the cave from above.

Mace pulls out the directions to the cave. “There’re some tracks heading up the trail, but I couldn’t tell much about them other than they are not fresh. Some kind of vehicle.”

“Ah, da,” growls the gargoyle after glancing at the directions. “Die cave is up das first draw I think”

Walking up the trail to the draw the cave, really just a slab of rock leaning against a cliff appears from around a blind corner. Near the entrance sits a very sorry-looking Big Boss ATV (UE p.266). The machine has been slashed up well, body panels are dented and broken, three of the tires are flat, and the weapon mount on the roof looks like it was sliced in half. The ground is discolored around the vehicle.

“Careful, something isn’t right here,” Mace whispers, drawing her ion blasters.

“Scanning,” Reinhard’s voice comes through the comms, which crackle with static despite the proximity, "Some interference wit die EM scans. Es gibt eine heat signature in die crack. " A slight pause, “Ja, da ist was drin, something zere. Motion sensor inop.”

Zlod takes out his NG-P9 particle beam rifle and readies it. “We aren’t supposed to take out this thing until tomorrow so we got to watch this cave make sure it doesn’t cause a nuisance of itself between now and tomorrow. Looks like it already took out that ATV. Mace you and I will cover the cave. Reinhard hold for now, and when we are sure that it isn’t coming out check out the ATV for any salvage. Xhaiden start looking for tracks of the creature or any other signs that might tell us more about it.” Zlod moves off to the right side of the cave covering the entrance with his NG-P9. “Mace you take the left side and we’ll cover the entrance. But lets keep firing lanes clear.” Zlod’s tail starts twitching a little as he gets into tactical mode inside his head.

Once at the meeting place Xhadien stretches, paying close attention to Zlod as he gives the directions, “Okay will do. “ he crouches down close to the ground looking over the tracks studying it for several moments. Keeping a careful watch for signs of trouble. He does not move to far from the group just close enough for the tracks moving as silently as he is able.

Mace moves to cover the requested angle.

“Hey, Cap?” she calls, " We sure this thing is biological? My radar detector is twinging. Not like when Reinhard pings me, which freaks me out, by the way, don’t do that," she directs at the gargoyle, “it’s just, fuzzy, but focuses when I move. There’s something else, a really low, really annoying sound.”

Reinhard grunts, vocalizing rather than sending over comms. “Ja, my detector is picking up something, too. Localized in die cave. Das sound is low, only 10hz.” Reinhard takes a couple of large steps away from the cave. “Die amplitude drops when you back away from die cave. Die detector falls off similar.”

Zlod notices a vibration in his earpiece, more felt than heard as it responds to the electromagnetic signal.

Xhaiden searches diligently over the ground, but is unable to come up with any information about the creature based on tracks on the ground. So intent was he on his searching, that he began to wander toward the ATV before being stopped.

“We are not sure of anything, so watch out for the unexpected and be ready to withdraw in an orderly manner if I signal over the comms.” Zlod says as he keeps watch. “We are here for a day so don’t burn yourself out being on constant alert let’s see if we tempt it in the next few minutes. Xhaiden you find anything? Reinhard what is the status of that vehicle?”

At the mention of finding something there is a quick shake of Xhaiden’s head, “If I could just get a little closer.” He shrugs his shoulders, “Don’t think it will even notice me.” He looks to the ATV then back to Zlod for a moment then down to the tracks he makes a few gestures with his hands gesturing to himself, pointing towards the ATV watching quietly for the response.

“Appears to be salvageable. Ich werde move it away from die cave to take a closer look.” Reinhard moves forward to grasp the vehicle. A hiss emanates from the cave and as soon as Reinhard touches the vehicle frame, there is an arc of electricity extending from inside the cave to the ATV, and from there to Reinhard. A gurgling howl echoes in the cave, but nothing emerges. The gargoyle releases the ATV immediately and stumbles backward.

“Das war unangenehm,” he growls, examining his hand. Parts of the false skin had melted and remained on the ATV, and some of the polymer muscles had melted, leaving his hand in a grasping claw shape. “Das bolt came from meiner battery, State of Charge ist down 5%. Some of meiner systems less hardened was knocked offline. Nanite system re-initializing. Nothing was seriously damaged.”

“Looks like it has some ability to manipulate electricity or something similar to that.” Zlod says as he continues to train his rifle on the cave opening. “And it doesn’t want us to mess with the ATV right now, so lets not mess with it for now. Let us set up a camp a little ways back from the cave and we will keep watch until we have to deal with it. If you don’t think it will notice you Xhaiden you can get a little closer but don’t go into the cave. Lets keep watch until Xhaiden checks things out and then Xhaiden and Reinhard can set up the tents while we keep the cave covered. Once we have the tents set up we’ll take shifts watching the cave until tomorrow.”

There is a swift nod of the boy’s head as he turns to make his way to the cave crouching low before turning invisible as he makes his way closer to the cave entrance. Keeping an eye out, he does his best to move unheard, only pausing long enough to give Reinhard a thumb’s up and then a raised fist (while invisible) before slowly moving forward. He does follow instructions while remaining outside of the cave.

Nothing leaps out to devour Xhaiden as he creeps forward. Inside the darkness of the cave Xhaiden can see the barest shape of something within, an organic outline against the sharp rocks. Tapping into his additional senses, Xhaiden can feel a minor electric field in the area, seeming to increase in strength inside the cave. As he retreats from the cave entrance, he too feels the electric field drop off quickly.

Reinhard watches the elf child creep toward the cave, “I can feel no change in die field.” Mace shakes her head slightly, “Me neither.”

“We will set up die camp,” Reinhard states once Xhaiden is back. “Come little one.” In short order the pair have the tents set up. " Fire, or cooking, Herr Zlod?" he asks while working.

Zlod motions Mace to move back a few steps. “Yes let's have a fire. It is possible it could deter it from attacking us, or do fuck all. But I like hot food, and hate the cold.” Zlod moves back a couple steps with Mace as he talks. Even as he talks he continues to keep his gun trained on the cave entrance. “Make me a pot of coffee while you are at it. I have some in my backpack. Zlod says as she shrugs the just massive backback he is wearing. It’ll be a long wait before we can go in, and I could use a cup.”

Mace backs off smoothly. “Coffee is good. So what’s the plan, Cap, paired watches?”

Reinhard chuckles, a deep gravelly sound. " Xhaiden, since Heydrich is not here, you may need to make die coffee. Talons are not well suited. I will get a fire going."

Putting action to words, he gathers up some wood and fashions a firepit, humming to himself as he does so. With a short laser blast from his eyes, the fire is soon burning cheerfully.

“For der watches, Ich need an hour or so of rest, backup und maintenance tasks. Ozer zan zat, I can keep ze watch with someone.”

Mace spares the occasional glance toward Reinhard as he works and shakes her head slightly. “The last gargoyle I saw I shot because it wanted me dead, or captured. This is kinda surreal.”

As he moves closer to the cave, Xhaiden squints a little before making his way back to the others removing his invisibility, “I saw something, not sure what really. Energy is stronger inside and weaker here. Don’t think you are gonna be able to go inside without getting zapped again.” As he is commandeered to help set up the tents, an enthusiastic, “Okay, cool!” as he moves to help with the tent construction, his demeanor more suited for a family camping trip the recon and elimination to a threat.

“I got the coffee, but if I do a good job, maybe you can recommend us for singing and making coffee in town. Nothing better than the band also being servers, right?” he ponders for a moment, “If it was asleep, maybe it wouldn’t have its shield up and around?”

“Well it is a crazy world we live in Mace.” Zlod says with a grin in response to Mace’s comments. “Ya we’ll take shifts watching out for it, and any other predators that might be around. In the morning Reinhard I want you to switch to your other body and meet with the expert that is coming down. Hopefully they can tell us a little bit more about this thing. If we need to we can get them up here, but lets see what they have to say with the intel we have gathered so far.” Zlod nods towards Xhaiden. “If you do a good job with the coffee and everything else I think you’ll be able to make more credits than just singing will get you.” Zlod says with an amused chuckle in his voice. “Best not to assume it’ll be asleep. Let’s see what the expert has to say about this thing, and we’ll go from there.”

Reinhard shakes his head slightly, “For infiltration, das units have datenbanken full of information on many creatures und beings. Ich have not found un entry matching what we know of dieses. When Ich touched der wagen, my battery began discharging through der wagen. I do not think it was eine directed attack. Das ist merkwürdig.”

There is Mister Diego too he plays the guitar.” He pauses in signing long enough to mime playing, “We split out combined playing.” He pauses and thinks for a moment, “Was wondering dart gun or maybe someone could just make it fall asleep.” He scratches his head still thinking, “Guess waiting on the expert is the best idea. Just wish I had plastic sheets so it couldn’t zap me when I sleep.” He looks over to Mace, “You ever hear of anything like this thing?” as he speaks he works on collecting the supplies and putting on the coffee.

“Would have to be a pretty hefty dart gun with a pretty potent drug, I bet. I have a neural mace that might knock it out. But a predator like this is dangerous for everyone and everything around. Let us see what the expert has to say and we’ll go from there.” Zlod says as he continues to stand guard. “Alright Mace you can stand down, and I’ll take first watch. We will hopefully have more answers in the morning.”

“Aye, Cap,” Mace states, retreating back to the tents.

“No, kid, I’ve never heard of something like this,” Mace replies to Xhaiden, grabbing her gear from her bike. “There are things with electrokinesis that can do similar effects, but this seems a bit different, more involved. I need a better look at what it is, thermal gives a poor image. Whatever it is, it’s big, about the same size as our dear captain.” She breaks out a mess tin and begins prepping lunch. “It hasn’t come out and attacked us, which tells me it’s either too injured to be aggressive, or it’s intelligent enough to figure we are a bigger threat to it than it is to us. Hell, it could be just that the big guy is too imposing.”

The remainder of the day drags on. Shifts watching the cave entrance proceed with regularity, and both Reinhard and Mace report that the creature within has not moved much. Dusk comes quickly in the canyon, and the temperature drops precipitously.

The creature in the cave moves a little during the night, but never exits the cave.

The night is cold, hitting 38F/3C. Reinhard keeps the fire fed and acts as a heat reflector, directing the warmth more toward the tents. Around 8:00 in the morning, Zlod’s radio crackles, " ZlodSavage. Your visitor will be arriving in a half hour."

“I will go meet him,” Reinhard says. " If you wish to speak to them more directly, let me know. I can route Heydrich’s audio and visual into the pilot’s chair monitors."

There is a quick nod of Xhaiden’s head, the boy spending most of the day aside from his shifts in meditation. Folding his legs, he spends his time focused on his own inner nature recharging his energy pausing only for his turn to take watch. During the evening he remains bundled up from the cold not complaining, but neither seeming to enjoy the cool air. As sun rises Xhaiden moves to make a fresh pot of coffee.

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