Ador Wan

Ador Wan is a city situated in a valley in the northern part of M'Oviri and is often regarded as the oldest city in Azuno. Some even believe it to be the oldest settlement of the world, as the city is built upon layers and layers of its own past. Beneath the streets lie a network of ancient ruins, each layer a chapter from a different era. Every time the city has been destroyed, abandoned or ravaged by natural, mortal or divine causes, it was eventually rebuilt on top of the rubble later in time.

Arcane Bulwark

Perhaps because of its ancient Astran roots, Ador Wan has become a haven for magical study. In particular the study of Astran relics and remnants buried beneath the city. Within the city itself are many small groups of scholars and several libraries where individuals freely explore various magic forms. This intellectual freedom has turned the city into a sanctuary for wizards, arcanists, mages, alchemists, and many other arcane practitioners.   In recent centuries, the city has become a refuge for displaced individuals, particularly those looking to stay far away from the Empire of the Jade Eye and their restrictive policies around the use of magic. This has turned the city into even more of a melting pot of cultures and beliefs, which is reflected in the variety of architectural styles, languages, and cuisines that can now be found within Ador Wan.
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