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The Sea of Starlight
Hundreds of magic items to equip your characters or NPCs with!
Melee Weapons
Ranged Weapons
Spellcasting Foci
Musical Instruments
Cursed Items
Sentient Items
Wondrous Items
Very Rare
Items by Name
A - F
Abyssal Link
Adder's Edge
Ador Wan Crossbow
Adventurer's Bookcase
Aegis of the Abyss
Alabaster Anaconda
Alarm Flare Bolt
Alchemical Examination Scroll
Alchemist’s Medicine Maker
Alchemist’s Syringe
Amethyst Lance
Amniteum Amulet
Amniteum Buckler
Amniteum Glass Bullet
Amulet of the Everfrost Spire
Amulet of the Frog
Amulet of the Huntress
Amulet of the Indispensable
Amulet of the Living Statue
Amulet of the Purple Nova
Amulet of the Warmage
Anchor Dart
Angel's Sorrow
Angelfeather Splint
Angelic Aroma Incense
Ankoyan Sabre
Apothecary's Pin
Arcanamech Arm
Arcane Conduction Armor
Arcane Detection Candle
Arcane Imbued Caltrops
Arcanis Magnetica Gloves
Arcanist's Diamondtip Arrow
Archon's Bloom
Ardent Enforcer
Arm of the Iron Flame
Armor of Atomlesztes
Armor of Entanglement
Armor of the Lionheart
Armor of the Mender
Armor of the Tundra Ranger
Arrow of Divine Judgement
Arrow of Misdirection
Arthanox the Malevolent
Astralis - The Eye of the Universe
Astrisroot Bow
Astristroot Blade
Astriswalker Token
Athorean Jagged Javelin
Auroran Edge
Autumnleaf Dagger
Avialuora - Blessing of the Doves
Axe of the Bright Sentinel
Axe of the Chromatic Queen
Axe of the Cobalt Reaver
Axe of the Scarab
Bag of Bones
Bag of Creation
Band of the Firm Grip
Band of the Runebinder
Banshee Arrow
Barbazu's Glyphed Glaive
Bard's Best Shampoo
Bardsong Brownie
Barnaby's Big Bubblegum Bullet
Barrel Bat
Basilisk Bolt
Bastion Basher
Batrush Glaive
Batswarm Spike
Battle Alchemist Apron
Battle Toolbox
Beauty Sleep Mask
Bell of the Bronze Mausoleum
Berserker's Eyeliner
Bharkor's Beautiful Beard Balm
Bifocals of the Basilisk
Big Game Hunter’s Arrow
Big Tweeter
Biggest Bang Bullet
Bite of the Great White
Bittercandy Apple
Bittercandy Taffy
Black Cat Cuirass
Black Fjord Battleaxe
Black Market Exchange Chest
Black-Out Candle
Blackroot Blade
Blackvald Lyre
Blade of Bound Phantoms
Blade of Our Angel of Sorrows
Blade of the Corrupted Lotus
Blade of the Deep One
Blade of the Empire
Blade of the Northern Tribe
Blanket of the Midday Banquet
Blasting Key
Blending Brush of Blurring
Blessed Bow of the Black Glacier
Blindfold of Restoration
Blood Oath Pike
Bloodbane Bullet
Bloodbinder’s Whip
Bloodline Scroll
Bloodshadow Bolt
Blowgun of Bolts
Blue Tweeter
Bluecreek Salts
Bola Arrow
Bolt of Disintegration
Boltforge Gauntlet
Bond of the Red Queen
Bone White Nail Polish
Bonewrought Kneesmasher
Book of Holding
Boomerang Pillow
Boots of the Fiendish Deceiver
Boreal Sea Harpoon
Boreal Spellgun
Boulder's Bane Mallet
Bouldertoss Bracers
Bow of the Azure Fury
Bow of the Wandering Centaur
Bowl of Sprouting Shrubs
Bracelets of the Iron Serpent
Bracer of the Emerald Stag
Bracers of the Sea Giant
Brass Blossom Pipe
Breastplate of the Azure Fury
Breastplate of the Ruby Sanctum
Bright Ice Pickaxe
Bright Yellow Runechalk
Brightwood Wanderer’s Staff
Brightwood Warden’s Cloak
Brightwood Warrior’s Blade
Brilliant Beacon Pike
Brineheart’s Favorite Coat
Brush of Braiding
Brush of the Swift Crane
Bullet of Blinding
Burden of the Castaway
Buzzbee Candy
Buzzing Conjurer's Whistle
Bypasser Bullet
Call of the North
Candlestick Staff
Cannonshot Sling
Capt'n Mike’s Peg Leg
Cast-off Bolt
Catcurse Caltrops
Censer of the Jade Legion
Chain Shirt of Favorable Winds
Chainwrapped Armor
Chalice of the Blood Oath
Chameleon Cloak
Charming Pink Runechalk
Chime of Closing
Chisel of Awakening
Chromatic Collar
Chronoflux Armor
Chuckle Cup
Cinderflare Caltrops
Circlet of the Phoenix
Clairvoyant's Bane Candle
Clarification Salt
Claws of the Ocean's Champion
Clearscript Candle
Cleaver of Paranoia
Climber's Bolt
Cloak of Solitude
Cloak of the Cobra
Cloak of the First Snow
Cloak of the Ibis
Cloak of the River's Splendor
Cloak of the Scarlet Macaw
Cloak of the Secluded Garden
Close Quarters Bow
Cloud Giant's Dessert Fork
Cloudspun Robes
Coat of Sanguine Defense
Coffee Toffee Quick Sticks
Coin of Draconic Luck
Coinbox of Holding
Coldforged Chain Mail
Combustion Boots
Companion Cloak
Compass of the Homesick
Concealer of the Unnoticed
Concealer of the Unseen
Concealer of the Untrue
Conjurer's Whistle
Consecrated Battlestandard
Constable's Cudgel
Contract of Connected Minds
Contract of the Green Coven
Copycat Codex
Coreheart Breastplate
Coreshard Flail
Cornucopeia of the Harvest
Cranium of the Steel Giant
Crate Paper
Cream of the Forest
Cream of the Mountain
Cream of the Tundra
Crone's Finger
Crown of the Great Wolf
Crown of the Mountain Queen
Crownguard's Halberd
Crypt Quarrel
Crystal of Captured Souls
Crystalline Crusher
Cuirass of the Steadfast Shaman
Curse Jar
Cursebreaker’s Cutlass
Curseward Talisman
D'Arcanar Noir
Dagger of the Azure Fury
Dagger of the Fallen Celestial
Dagger Origamiracle
Dangersense Trident
Dawngrass Token
Death Knight's Helmet
Decanter of Honesty
Defender’s Mantle
Denomination Bullet
Depletion Bolt
Detonation Dart
Dewdrop Armor
Dibao - The Leviathan's Maelstrom
Didgeridoo of the Stormchaser
Dimensional Compass
Disc of the Tempest
Disintegration Key
Disruption Arrow
Distilled Acid Arrow
Distraction Bullet
Doortowall Key
Doppelgang Dust
Doubleshot Crossbow
Draconic Bellows
Dragon Satchel
Dragonmaw Scroll
Dragrønnor - Legacy of the Jarl
Drakewarden Scepter
Drakewarden Shield
Dreamweaver's Needle
Duality Blade
Duelist's Earring
Dustblast Caltrops
Early Bird Ring
Earring of Whisper
Echo Locket
Echo of the Abyss
Echostrike Crossbow
Edge of the Onyx Sands
Edge of the Zephyr
Eelskin Cream
Efreeti’s Kusarigama
El’zharis - Hope’s End
Elderam's Gift
Eldergrove Orb
Eldergrove Ring
Eldergrove Robes
Eldrinova - Ruin of the Stars
Elemental Whetstones
Elianim - The Dawnspark
Entwood Staff
Essence Inks
Etherchain Crossbow
Ethereal Silver Eyeliner
Etherpierce Bullet
Everfrost Wand
Examiner's Helmet
Executioner's Remorse
Explosive Arrow
Eye of the Deep One
Facethief Mask
Faelight Lantern
Fang of the Forgotten Behemoth
Farmer's Fancy Flute
Felfire Spellgun
Femur of the Steel Giant
Festering Cudgel
Fetch and Fletch Quiver
Feyflame Candle
Feysugar Fudge
Feysugar Gummy Owlbear
Feysugar Gummy Snake
Feysugar Lollipop
Feywhisper Tokens
Fiendish Stench Incense
Fire Giant Chef's Tenderizer
Firestorm Arrow
Fixing Stitcher
Flame Red Runechalk
Flashfire Bullet
Flashfire Glypherine
Flask of Unknown Horrors
Flute of Purification
Fomorian Eye Shield
Forceclasp Glypherine
Forceflurry Bolt
Forceforged Decimator
Forcehook Bullet
Forgecore Gloves
Forgemaster’s Warhammer
Foxguard Tunic
Frame of Trick Terrain
Frog's Friend Band
Frog's Kiss Bracer
Frogmorph Caltrops
Frost Reaper
Frostbite Caltrops
Frostfire Bolt
Frostnova Glypherine
Fungrum's Hat
Fuzzy Teddy
G - P
Gambeson of the Mossy Grove
Gambler's Axe
Gapcloser 2000
Garb of the Master
Gargoyle Stoneplate
Garnet of Embers
Gauntlet of Adni
Gauntlet of the Golden Touch
Gauntlet of Vesz
Gauntlets of the Ascended Protector
Gavel of the Potion Prince
Gelatinous Hair Gel
Gelatinous Sword
Giant Shark Origamiracle
Giant's Bane Blade
Gift of the Cobalt Capricorn
Gilded Vision Eyeliner
Glacial Core Pellet
Glaive of the Autumn Court
Glaive of the Oni Prince
Glasses of Disguise
Gloom Gaze Mascara
Gloomdoctor's Vaporizer
Gloomglass Mirror
Gloomvine Robes
Gloves of the Amphibian
Gloves of the Great Wolf
Gloves of the Verdant Sentry
Gloves of the Wellspring
Glyph Stamps of Might
Goblet of the Crimson Lady
Goldarn - Relic of the Frostblood Tribe
Goodberry Sapling
Goodjuice Gourd
Gourdlord's Grin
Gown of the Spellscribe
Grand Archivist's Crown
Grand Depth Candle
Grapple Arrow
Gravedigger’s Staff
Gravegrasp Caltrops
Gravity Amplification Arrow
Gravity Inversion Bolt
Gray Cartel Ring Mail
Greataxe of the Hills
Greataxe of the Toxic Oasis
Greatclub of the Earthbreaker
Greater Conjuration Clay
Greater Nebulantium Supplement
Greatsword of the Snowman
Gripstone Gauntlets
Grovekeeper’s Sickle
Growling Conjurer's Whistle
Hag's Eye Talisman
Hag's Haggling Token
Halberd of Fallen Leaves
Halberd of the Northern Tribe
Halberd of the Summer Court
Hammer of Petrified Roots
Hammer of the Bright Sentinel
Hammerclaw Staff
Hand Wraps of the Gathering Storm
Harmonic Inks
Hat of the Cloud Coven
Havoc Sword
Head of Boulders Conditioner
Headband of the Swift Crane
Headmaster’s Ring
Heart Guard Pendant 2.0
Heart of the Wilderness
Hearth Warmth Candle
Heka of the Celestial Sovereign
Hellchain Harness
Hellforge Accident X251.B
Helmet of the Iron Order
Hemlock Staff
Hide of the Great Wolf
Hissing Conjurer's Whistle
Holographic Wall Apparatus
Honeybee Cuirass
Hood of the Deceiver
Hood of the Dragonturtle
Horn of Chilling
Horns of the Silver Bull
Horselord’s Curved Blade
Hound Stakes
Howl of the Iron Hound
Howling Conjurer's Whistle
Hravkir - Gift of the Brass Fortress
Hummingbird Armor
Illusionist's Cloak
Imitation Putty
Imp Hatchet
Implosion Bullet
Impsting Stylus
Inaren - Hell's Fury
Inawanic Shortbow
Incense of Invigoration
Infernal Horn
Infusion Stones
Injection Arrow
Inkhunter's Bolt
Ironthorn Pin
Ironthorn Wand
Ironweave Socks
Jade Handaxe
Jade Xiphos
Jar of the Baboon
Jar of the Falcon
Jar of the Jackal
Jar of the Man
Javelin of Blight
Javelin of Shifting Sands
Jester's Blush
Jester's Pin
Jinx Stick Bolt
Jorvaroa - The Queen's Servant
Jugglejinx Balls
Justicar's Flail of Balance
Kalaera - Tamer of Clouds
Katana of the Crimson Shogun
Key of Life
Keylock Scroll
Khopesh of Afeldius
Khopesh of Sacred Glyphs
Khopesh of the Desert Tempest
Kindlespark Wand
Knife of the Vampire Lord
Kobold’s Lucky Tooth
Kraken Seer's Eyepatch
Kraken's Lash
Kunai of the Banished Lotus
L'Eau de Magie Sauvage
L’Arcana #23
La Guillotina
Lance of Launching
Lance of the Winter Court
Lash of the Hydra
Lavaburst Caltrops
Leathers of the Bloodbinder
Ledger of the Loremaster
Lesser Conjuration Clay
Lethargy Lance
Liar's Tell Candle
Librarian's Cudgel
Lich Breath Grenade
Liespotter Eyeliner
Lifelove Lollipop
Lightforged Chakram
Lightning Arrow
Lightning Bowstring
Lightning Strike Flail
Lilac Valley Kama
Lilypad Token
Limb of Blossoming
Lingo Lipstick
Lipgloss of the Beastspeaker
Lipgloss of the Gravespeaker
Lipgloss of the Treespeaker
Loco Coco Hocus Pocus Bonbon
Longsword Origamiracle
Looter's Lute
Loremaster’s Pendant
Lorevault Armor
Lovestrike Glypherine
Luck Key
Lucky Bolt
Luminous Vestments of the Phoenix
Lunar Scimitar
Lute of Comforting Chords
Lute of the Ruby Verdict
Luxurious Satin Bedroll
Lyre of Harmonizing
Lava Punchers
Lava Stompers
Mace of the Sacred Ram
Mage Glove
Magebane Spear
Magemight Quarterstaff
Magemight Shortbow
Magenote Stylus
Magewreck Arrow
Magister's Eyeliner
Magister's Mints
Magitech Aviation Apparatus
Magma Pickaxe
Magnificent Mini Market Stall
Mail of Fallen Haloes
Mail of the Riverlands
Malachite of the Mountain
Mallet of the Mossy Grove
Mantadrake Stinger Dart
Manticore’s Wrath
Mantle of Broken Fangs
Mantle of Vitalis
Manyfold Mini Memo
Manyvoice Mask
Map Beacons
Maraca of Dusk
Marble Mallet
Marking Eye
Maroon Mango
Mask of the Broken Acolyte
Mask of the Broken Overseer
Mask of the Martyr
Mask of the Raven Disciple
Mask of the Sun Priest
Mask of the Tomb Guardian
Mask of the Witchdoctor
Master Cobbler's Secret Polish
Master's Keenstone
Memorial of the Forgotten Paragon
Merfolk Blade
Merfolk Skirt
Messenger's Mirror
Meteor Bullet
Midnight Black Runechalk
Midwinter Mittens
Mimicmaker Poultice
Mindmelt Candle
Mindsplit Shot
Mindvoice Hairpin
Mintberry Soap
Misty Steppers
Miya - The Silent Huntress
Monocle of Translation
Moonlight Vial
Moonstone Buckler
Moonstone Mace
Morkra - Piercer of Krakens
Mossy Grove Boulderbasher
Mountainbreak Maul
Mountainguard’s Greataxe
Mudslide Caltrops
Mudstone Flail
Mufflepine Powder
Multitool Wrap
Mystical Purple Nail Polish
Naldorese Plate Armor
Navy Blue Runechalk
Nebulantis - The Veil Render
Nebulantium Supplement
Nebulantium Supplements
Nekhakha of the Celestial Sovereign
Nerani - Heaven's Wrath
Nightward Candle
Nightweave Doublet
Nimbus Bullet
Nomad's Satin Scarf
Oakleaf Armor
Oakleaf Axe
Oakleaf Shield
Obsidian Sickle
Ogre Mage's Talisman
Ol' Shipwrecker
Onyx Throne Statuette
Orb of Celestial Alignment
Orb of the Dryad
Origamiracle Paper
Oxidation Fog Dispenser
Oztar - The Obsidian Heart
Pack Attack Arrow
Pale Guise of the Forsaken
Pants of the Swift Crane
Paper Charms
Papershape Shelter
Pearl Guard Armor
Pegasus Charms
Pen of Infinite Ink
Pendant of the Dreamer
Peregrine Falchion
Perfume of Persuasion
Permafrost Axe
Phasethrough Crystal
Phoenix Arrow
Phoenix Ash
Phoenix Flight Spear
Piano Figurine
Pickaxe of Frailty
Picklock Dagger
Piercer of the Purple Rose
Pike of the Scribeguard
Pike of the Spring Court
Pin of Porting
Pit Fiend’s Bladed Fist
Pixie Dust
Pixie Knight Lance
Pixysteed Horseshoe
Plainstalker's Cloak
Planar Steel Arrows
Plasmacoil Whip
Plate of the Demonstalker
Plate of the Sun and Stars
Platinum Heart
Pocket Ladder
Pocket Portal
Poison Ink Bead
Poisonburst Glypherine
Portable Door
Powdered Shadow
Powerpunch Arrow
Primal Inks
Primal Staff of the Queen Bee
Prince Kadmius' Smile
Prismatic Flute
Prismatic Iris Eye Pencil
Professor Blackwood's Ladle
Purifying Waterskin
Pyralite Aegis
Q - Z
Quakestone Hammer
Quartz of the Breeze
Quickfire Quiver
Quicksand Ring
Quicksilver Flail
Quicksilver Whip
Quickwrite Quill
Quill of Lies
Quiver of the Forest
Quiver of the Frost Queen
Ra Asol-Nu - The Daybreaker
Rainbringer's Staff
Random Axe of Kindness
Rapier of the Black Rose
Rapier of the Mirror Image
Ratravish Glypherine
Raven's Edge
Ravenbloom Idol
Ravenwhisper's Hat
Realmwalker's Mirror
Reaver's Chain Shirt
Recharged Golemcore
Red Astris Wand
Red Prince's Rapier
Redspark Crucible
Regalia of the Celestial Sovereign
Remedial Bucket of Frost
Remnant of the Defeated
Remodeled Spellgun
Repurposed Eyestalk
Ribs of the Steel Giant
Riftdoor Key
Ring of Divination
Ring of Fey's Demise
Ring of Scorching Rays
Ring of the Elder Roots
Ring of the Everlasting Eclipse
Ring of the Lone Captain
Ring of the Prying Eye
Ring of the Scrying Eye
Ring of the Smiling Sphinx
Ring of the Spying Eye
Ripsteel Javelin
Rising Tides Pan Flute
Ritual Dagger of the Moon
River's Bite
Roaring Conjurer's Whistle
Robes of the Sleepwalker
Robes of the Warmage
Rod of Minor Arcana
Rod of Quickening
Rod of Slipping
Rod of the Arbor Abode
Rod of the Frozen Refuge
Root of Evil
Rouge of Radiance
Royal Purple Runechalk
Ruby Blade
Ruby Evertorch
Runebinder’s Protection
Runebound Star
Runecarved Tuskbow
Runed Shield of the Stone Guardian
Runestylus of Accuracy
Runestylus of Elementalism
Runestylus of Ferocity
Runestylus of Naturalism
Runestylus of Occultism
Runestylus of Protection
Runestylus of Subterfuge
Runestylus of Warding
Hill Giant's Stew Scooper
Sage's Rest Candle
Saint's Blessing Candle
Sanctified Gilded Skull
Sanctified Inks
Sandals of the Wavewalker
Sandrina Sweettooth's Rainbow Cane
Sanguine Inks
Sapphire Claws
Satchel of Sustenance
Scalpel of the Blooddrainer
Scattershot Slug
Scepter of Illumination
Scepter of the Blue Nebula
Scout’s Arrow
Scrapper’s Stormcharged Buckler
Screeching Conjurer's Whistle
Scripture of the Afterlife
Scrollcase Rod
Sea Snail Flail
Seafarer’s Map Table
Seahorse Staff
Searing Edge
Seax of the Everwinter Syndicate
Seer's Mirror
Seismic Step Jika-Tabi
Sentinel's Visage
Shadesilk Skirt
Shadow of the Mimic
Shadowbark Breastplate
Shadowbark Greatclub
Shadowbark Longbow
Shadowbark Quarterstaff
Shadowbark Shield
Shadowborn’s Second Skin
Shadowglass Dagger
Shadowglass Shortsword
Shadowshot Crossbow
Shadowshriek Glypherine
Shady Gray Nail Polish
Sheltering Bowl
Shield of the Bloodmoon
Shield of the Deep One
Shield of the Hidden Apothecary
Shield of the Roc
Shield of the Serpent’s Herald
Shield Origamiracle
Shieldmaiden's Hallowed Axe
Shimmering Red Nail Polish
Shining Opal Nail Polish
Shirt of the Hidden Apothecary
Shoes of Tippy Tappy
Sickle of the Stillwind Acolyte
Sil'vran - Bane of Vampires
Silver Owl Hairdye
Silver Snow Blade
Silver Snow Bow
Silver Snow Glaive
Silver Snow Greatsword
Silver Snow Seax
Silver Snow Sword
Silver Tongued Lyre
Sinistorix - The Iron Corruptor
Siphon of the Countess
Siren's Call Violin
Sistrum of the Gilded Night
Skin Cream of Slipperiness
Skirt of the Merchant Princess
Sky Blue Runechalk
Skyrider's Whistle
Sling of Sandstorms
Slingshot of the Trickster
Smokesculptor Pipe
Socks of Finding
Solar's Lament
Solarex - The Piercer of Suns
Soul Anchor Earring
Soulspark Candle
Soulstone Hammer
Sparkshock Caltrops
Sparktip Spear
Speakbeak Token
Spear of Shifting Sands
Spear of the Maiden's Wealth
Specter Edge
Spectral Blue Nail Polish
Spectral Shroud
Spellforged Javelin
Spellforged Throwing Buckler
Spellhold Candle
Spellseize Scroll
Spellsmith's Hammer
Spellsting Sword
Spelltrap Mageseal
Sphere of Unknown Origins
Spider Bullet
Spikes of Alarm
Spindle of the Spellweaver
Spire of the Warmage
Spiritbinder Net
Spiritwalker’s Flail
Splint of the Whaler
Splitting Dart
Spry Socks
Spyglass of the Seaspecter
Staff of Amplification
Staff of Candor
Staff of Haunting
Staff of Starlit Grace
Staff of the Guiding Light
Staff of the Silver Sage
Staff of the World Tree
Stalker's Dart
Star of Truth
Starfish Hand Wraps
Steel Cyclone
Steel Wrack Armor
Steel Wrack Cloak
Steel Wrack Net
Steelfin Axe
Steelfin Cutlass
Steelfin Knife
Sting of the Golden Scorpion
Stingray Rapier
Stirge Needle
Stormrunner Pants
Stranglethorn Sword
Suit of the Astral Overseer
Suit of the Eternal Storm
Suit of the Golden Shadow
Suit of the Immortal Judge
Sun Blessed Silver Bullet
Sunburst Glypherine
Sunrise Fan
Superior Conjuration Clay
Superior Nebulantium Supplement
Supreme Nebulantium Supplement
Swamp Green Runechalk
Swampmire Caltrops
Sword of Endless Strife
Sword of Mercy
Sword of the Bright Sentinel
Symphonic Inks
Syringe Rapier
Talisman of Shared Agony
Talisman of the Satyr
Tangleseed Arrow
Tarnished Band of Persistence
Tear of the Scarlet Lady
Teleportation Sealer
Telescopic Stabber
Tempest Step Anklet
Tempest's Eye Needle
Terrorscream Shell
The Black Jack
The Black Seal
The Dragon's Gift
The Duchess
The Duke
The Gauntlet of Justice
The Gauntlet of Protection
The Lucky Dragonfly
The Northern Winds
The Sharpest Shot - Mark 4
Third Eye Amulet
Thorn of the North
Thorns of Greed
Thunderchime Bullet
Thunderstrike Grenade
Thunderstun Drum
Tightrope Treads
Tiny Duck Crown
Tiomeran Trident
Token of the Sea Speaker
Token of the Stormtalon
Tomeguard Varnish
Toothpaste of Bright Smiles
Toothpaste of Frosty Breath
Toothpaste of Water Breathing
Topaz of the Well
Topaz Tracker Token
Tor'Can - The Herald of Tempest
Totem of Tongues
Tracking Candle
Transmutation Splint
Trash Talker Lip Balm
Traveler's Mirror
Treasure Hunter’s Shovel
Tremorsense Tunic
Trenox - The Harbinger of Fate
Trickster Glove
Trident of Murky Waters
Trident of the Cobalt Divide
Trolltouched Hide
Trowel of the Gardener's Guild
Tunic of the Warmage’s Apprentice
Tunic of the Winged Shield
Tuning Sword
Twin Hook Swords
Twin Serpent Staff
Twistbreeze Longbow
Ucorval - Mask of the Jade Faces
Urn of the Ancestral Warrior
Valdfey Robes
Vazeer - The Soulshredder
Veil of Vengeance
Veorn Ozur - The Tidebreaker
Vest of Slow Descent
Vine Green Runechalk
Violet Bag of Spellybeans
Violin of the Afterlife
Vipertip Bullet
Visage of the Gilded Jester
Vitalis Violin
Volantes Vitaelum
Votov - Blade of the Mirror Maiden
Vow of Venoms
Waking Beanbag
Wand of Makeovers
Wand of Remote Control
Wand of the Sleepy Kitten
Wand of the Two Ravens
Wand of Tooth Decay
War Paint of Bloodlust
Warden’s Hammer of Life
Warhorn of the Valkyrie
Warlute of Valor
Warm Orange Runechalk
Warmage’s Hood
Warmage’s Longsword
Warmage’s Spellglaive
Warning Wisp Whistle
Water Whip
Wavecaster’s Fishing Rod
Weaponmaster Wrap
Whip of Golden Sands
Whistling Bolt
Wildfire Bowstring
Wildspeech Stones
Willow’s Whisper
Windwhisper Comb
Wingclip Bolt
Winged Flask
Witchbane Snare
Witchy Winegum
Woodwarp Bolt
Woodwarp Putty
Woodwarper's Longbow
World's Smallest Workshop
Wormstinger Bolt
Wraithwood Crossbow
Wraps of the Monkey
Wraps of the Swift Crane
Wrath of the Tempest
Wyvern Origamiracle
Xintil - Heart of Creation
Xylophone of the Vald
Yaronian Scepter
Z’ar Sancuis - Plate of the Red Prophet
Zaldir Ash War Paint
Zill Shield Tambourine
Zodiax - Tapestry of Starlight
All graphics, art and illustrations featured on the Sea of Starlight are made by Tim de Roos (Bonus Action) unless stated otherwise.
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