Cobbler's Tooltome

Rare Wondrous Item

Teaching Tools. The pages of this book are enchanted with visual illusion magic. This enchantment allows you to visualize the use of Cobbler’s Tools in the creative and fabrication processes described within the pages clearly in your mind. When you read this book for at least 1 hour, the enchantment imprints on you, and the book can no longer be used by another creature. To learn how to use Cobbler’s Tools using this tome, you must dedicate time to studying and practicing the techniques within the book for a number of weeks equal to 10 minus twice your Dexterity modifier. Additionally, you need 20 gp worth of materials (that are fully expended in the process) and Cobbler’s Tools. Upon completion of the study, you gain proficiency with Cobbler’s Tools and have successfully crafted a set of boots. This study does not grant knowledge of every singular product, method or fabrication process associated with the craft. Further knowledge may require additional research or study from different sources.
Variant of
Tome of Teaching


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