Heatwave Schnapps Item in The Sea of Starlight | World Anvil

Heatwave Schnapps

This potent colorless spirit is a unique and spicy variation on traditional peach schnapps. It is made by infusing peach schnapps with ginger, which adds a warming and slightly spicy kick to the drink. The combination of the sweet, fruity flavor of peach and the spicy kick of ginger make Heatwave Schnapps a perfect choice for those who enjoy bold and flavorful spirits.   During festivities, Heatwave Schnapps is often served in a candied red pepper, which adds an extra layer of heat and flavor to the drink. The shot is typically taken in a single gulp, and the candied chili pepper is eaten immediately afterwards to enhance the spicy, warming sensation.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink


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