Jade Legion Organization in The Sea of Starlight | World Anvil

Jade Legion

The Jade Legion is the name given to all the combined security and military forces of the Empire of the Jade Eye. They are the primary organization that upholds the empire's values of discipline, order, and protection and are under direct command of The Jade Eye.

Protectors of Citizens

Within the cities, the Jade Legion plays a crucial role in maintaining peace and order. They are responsible for patrolling the streets, ensuring the safety of citizens, and responding to any potential threats or disturbances. The presence of the Jade Legion within the cities serves as a strong deterrent against criminal activities, and their swift and decisive action helps maintain a sense of security and stability for everyone within the empire.

Defenders of Borders

At the borders of the empire, the Jade Legion stands as the first line of defense against external threats and invasions. They fortify the empire's borders, safeguarding the realm from any potential adversaries. The soldiers of the Jade Legion are well-trained and equipped to counter any influence of wild magic. The Jade Legion also acts as diplomats at the borders. They are responsible for handling interactions with neighboring nations and cultures, ensuring that the empire's interests are protected and upheld in any negotiations or treaties. In times of crisis or imminent threats, the Jade Legion may be called upon to engage in larger military campaigns beyond the borders such as during the Foxlands Battle in northern Awaoka.

Serving the Realm

Recruiting new soldiers for the Jade Legion is an ongoing necessity, as the majority of jadeans are naturally inclined towards innovation, craftsmanship, and the pursuit of knowledge. To maintain the strength and numbers of the military, the empire actively encourages voluntary enlistment through decent salaries and benefits as well as by emphasizing the honor which can be gained through serving The Jade Eye and defending the empire. Conscription has occasionaly been enforced during times of crisis or conflict to bolster the ranks of the Jade Legion, but this has historically not been very successful because of the lack of skills these conscripts showed on the battlefield.
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