Juice of the Telekinetic Eye

Rare Potion

Telekenetic Eyes. An eyeball bobs in the bright purple liquid of this potion. It vanishes when the potion is opened.   When you drink this potion you have advantage on ability checks to contest being Grappled the next 10 minutes. During this time, you can use an action to shoot a magical ray from your eyes at a creature within 120ft. of you that you can see. The target has to make a Strength saving throw (DC 16). On a failed save you can move the target up to 30ft in any direction. The target is Restrained by the ray’s telekinetic grip until the start of your next turn but ends if you become incapacitated. If the target is an object weighing 300 pounds or less, you can also move it up to 30ft. in any direction. You can use this feature once, only while you are under the influence of the potion.


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