Kobold Kinshape Elixir

Uncommon Potion

Kobold Form. This potion has a scent of burnt food to it, the taste is a bit salty but not bad.   After you drink this potion, you transform into a Kobold for the next hour. Your size becomes Small, your base walking speed becomes 30ft and you gain Darkvision out to 60ft. You also have advantage on saving throws against being Frightened or ending the Frightened condition on yourself.   Additionally, you can use a bonus action to let out a draconic scream at enemies within 10ft. of you. Until the start of your next turn you and all of your allies have advantage on attack rolls against the enemies that could hear you. You can use this feature once with the magic of this potion.   You keep all of your own proficiencies, features, abilities and characteristics during this transformation. This potion only affects humanoids, if you are already a Kobold, this potion has no effect on you.
Variant of
Kinshape Elixir


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