Lingo Lipstick

Common Wondrous Item

Made-up Speech. You can use an action to apply this lipstick to your own lips. Alternatively, you can apply it to the lips of a willing creature that can speak at least one language. While applied, the creature can speak and understand a specific spoken language depending on the type of lipstick. These effects last until removed or until 8 hours have passed.   The magic of the lipstick is depleted after 1d10 uses. After the last use it becomes a non-magical lipstick.   Standard Language Lingo Lipsticks
d8 Language Color
1 Common Bright Red
2 Dwarvish Glittering Gray
3 Elvish Deep Pink
4 Giant Sapphire Blue
5 Gnomish Bright Pink
6 Goblin Poison Green
7 Halfling Warm Pink
8 Orc Dark Green
  Exotic Language Lingo Lipsticks
d8 Language
1 Abyssal Deep Purple
2 Celestial Gilded White
3 Draconic Golden Yellow
4 Deep Speech Dark Gray
5 Infernal Dark Red
6 Primordial Shiny Silver
7 Sylvan Leaf Green
8 Undercommon Navy Blue


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