Random Axe of Kindness

Rare Battleaxe (Versatile)
Requires attunement

Damage. 1d8 (1d10) +2 Slashing
  Friendly Steel. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with this weapon.
  Kill them with Kindness. Whenever you score a critical hit with this axe against a creature, roll a d8 and consult the table below to determine what additional effect happens.   Acts of Kindness
d8s Effect
1 Learn all weaknesses of the target.
2 Learn all resistances of the targete
3 Advantage on your next saving throw.
4 Advantage on your next attack.
5 Target's next attack has disadvantage.
6 Target is knocked Prone.
7 You regain 2d8+2 hit points.
8 Reduce target's AC by 1 for 1 minute.
Random Axe of Kindness


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Apr 2, 2022 08:36 by Janet Forbes

I am always at home for an excellent pun like this! Beautiful work as always! <3

  • Janet Forbes (Founder of World Anvil, fantasy author and RPG designer)
  • Grab your hammer and GO WORLDBUILD!
    Apr 2, 2022 08:37 by Janet Forbes

    I feel like the +2 to attack rolls would be even better if you're within 15 feet of an ally. Really brings in the "friend" aspect into the mechanics a bit deeper. :) Just a suggestion, though!

  • Janet Forbes (Founder of World Anvil, fantasy author and RPG designer)
  • Grab your hammer and GO WORLDBUILD!
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