The Hounds of Hell Prose in The Sea of Starlight | World Anvil

The Hounds of Hell

Be truthful ev'ry day
Whatever you may say
For hounds of hell
Can always smell
A lie from far away

Tell all your stories true
Or your life will soon be due
The hounds of hell
Can always tell
They know you through and through

Sharp claws are getting near
The hounds are now all here
Letting out a howl
Snarling as they prowl
The hounds have come for you my dear.

You'll pay for your deceit
Become a tasty treat
For hounds of hell
They know you well
A liar they will eat.

Your body will be torn apart
They’ll feast upon your liar's heart
For the hounds of hell
Can always tell
A lie right from the start


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