Warm Orange Runechalk

Uncommon Wondrous Item

Chalk One Up. As an action you can use this chalk to draw a simple symbol. A creature using this chalk must have at least an intelligence of 10 to draw these symbols. You can draw up to 20 symbols with this chalk before it is completely used up. Using this chalk you can transmute a 1ft. cube of stone, wood or metal, this effect lasts for 1 hour after which the material turns back. This chalk does not work on any equipment or weapon that is being worn or carried.   Square. Turns 1ft. cube of material to wood.   Circle. Turns 1ft. cube of material to solid rock.   Triangle. Turns 1ft. cube of material to solid iron.   Cross. Turns 1ft. cube of material to loose earth.
Warm orange Runechalk


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