Zodiax - Tapestry of Starlight
Legendary Wondrous Item
Requires attunement
Celestial Banner. While attuned to this banner, your proficiency bonus increases by 2.
Legend's Fate. While the banner is upright and within 30ft. of you, you can use a legendary action at the end of another creature's turn. This action can only be used to use an object, make weapon attacks, cast a spell (that requires an action or bonus action to cast) or move or otherwise influence a spell you had already cast. Alternatively, you can bestow this ability on a creature within 90ft. of you at the end of your turn as a free action. After using a legendary action or bestowing it upon another creature, you cannot use this feature again until the end of your next turn. This feature can be used three times per day, and regains its uses at midnight.