Drunken Gnome Building / Landmark in The Sea of Starlight | World Anvil

Drunken Gnome

The Drunken Gnome: Fine Wines and Imported Spirits is a small shop in the Southern Quarter of the city of Morhan. The exterior of the shop is pretty unassuming, with a green painted wooden door and a large window in the facade. However, looking through the window you can see that the shop's many cabinets and shelves are filled with hundreds of colorful bottles. The sign hanging above the door reads "The Drunken Gnome" in swirly, whimsical lettering with a figure of a gnome raising a large wineglass next to it.

Fine Taste

The shop has a warm and inviting atmosphere. The dimly-lit interior is filled with the rich, heady scents of oak barrels with notes of chocolate, spices, and fruit. The shelves and counters are almost completely filled with an impressive collection of fine wines and spirits from all over the world. Each of the bottles is carefully selected and imported by the shop's proprietor, Fizzip Sparklwein. In addition to his impressive selection of wines and spirits, Fizzip also offers a range of glassware, corkscrews, and other accessories to help customers enjoy their drinks to the fullest. He is happy to provide advice on the best way to serve each type of drink, and he takes great care to ensure that
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