House of Peace Building / Landmark in The Sea of Starlight | World Anvil

House of Peace

The House of Peace was an academy for the Wolfsbrunn Millitary in the city of Morhan. The academy consisted of several buildings and training yards in the Iron Ward. Ironically, a lot of the buildings of the compound were vacant during times of peace, while during times of war the area was bustling with fresh recruits.   Most common footsoldiers went through basic training here, but the academy also offered programs for officers and supporting roles within the millitary such as blacksmiths and doctors. Those who worshipped The Three could even be educated here in the ways of war and worship to become a Battlepriest.   Although the primary objective of the academy was to serve the entire Kingdom of Wolfsbrunn by training those responsible for its protection, the academy was also responsible for the recruitment, education and training of members of the Department of Preservation and Security for the city of Morhan itself.
Alternative Names
Millitary Academy of Morhan
University / Educational complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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