Big Barnacle

The Big Barnacle is the heaviest and largest ship in the Small Fleet. It is basically a cargo ship that has been outfitted as a warship with enough cannons to blast any ship that dares come close enough to smithereens.

Sleeping Giant

Despite its impressive appearance, the Big Barnacle does not often partake in raids executed by the Small Fleet. Its immense size makes it too slow and bulky to play any meaningful part. The Barnacle is mainly used by the Small Fleet to store their loot. It is practically a stronghold at sea. Some speculate that Nalberto's most treasured thing aboard the Big Barnacle is his own daughter and the floating fortress is his way of keeping her relatively safe from the dangers of the pirate's life.

Trusted Crew

The Big Barnacle is captained by Bindy Stoutfern-Brett and her trusted crew. She keeps the ship safe from harm and away from battle or conflict. As such it cannot be found sailing along the traditional trade routes on which it might encounter other ships or in areas prone to attacks from creatures from the deep. Instead, the ship often docks in hidden coves and lagunes where it is sometimes brought supplies by the Sweet Scallop.
Owning Organization
9m (30ft.)
60m (195ft.)
35m (115ft.)
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
300 tons
20 passengers


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