Potions by Rarity



Actio Auctus
Bane of Banishment
Brew of Barbed Devil's Charm
Brew of Bone Devil's Charm
Brew of Burrowing
Brew of Protection from Evil and Good
Bronze Dragonborn Kinshape Elixir
Concentrate of Clover
Copper Dragonborn Kinshape Elixir
Dazzle and Blur Potion
Draught of Deva's Intellect
Draught of Planetar's Intellect
Draught of Wild Magic
Dwarf Kinshape Elixir
Elixir of Mileage
Elixir of Revitalization
Essence of Griffon's Agility
Essence of Manticore's Agility
Gnome Kinshape Elixir
Goblin Kinshape Elixir
Greater Oil of Fortitude
Hope Elixir
Human Kinshape Elixir
Ironarm Tincture
Juice of the Enervating Eye
Juice of the Paralyzing Eye
Juice of the Petrifying Eye
Juice of the Telekinetic Eye
Little Valley Dragon Matcha Tea
Living Corpse Tincture
Mage Armor Oil
Mermaid's Elixir
Oil of Brilliance
Orc Kinshape Elixir
Philter of Greater Restoration
Philter of Lesser Restoration
Potion of Adamantium Skin
Potion of Greater Arcane Might
Potion of Linked Healing
Potion of Magmamorphing
Potion of Shielding
Potion of Superior Wild Shape
Potion of the False Command
Potion of the Patron
Potion of the Sweetstealer
Purple Ikrus Elixir
Red Dragonborn Kinshape Elixir
Rose Meadow Tincture
Silver Dragonborn Kinshape Elixir
Skill Shift Solution
Soulguard Philter
Speedreader Oil
Spellcontrol Oil
Spider Cider
Sunskin Elixir
Superior Bardic Brew
Superior False Life Philter
Tea of Respite
Tea of the Awakened Eye
Tiefling Kinshape Elixir
Tincture of Dryad's Knowledge
Tincture of Hag's Knowledge
Tonic of Adult Dragon's Vitality
Tonic of Young Dragon's Vitality
Warding Oil
Water of Greater Guidance
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