Cycle of Many Lives Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Sea of Starlight | World Anvil

Cycle of Many Lives

Those that believe in The Cycle of Many Lives believe that a soul reincarnates many times in different bodies and in different times in order to experience certain lessons and challenges that will aid in its growth. It is believed that the soul is eternal and passes through a series of incarnations, or lives, over the course of time. Each life is viewed as an opportunity for the soul to grow, learn, and evolve. This belief system encourages individuals to live their lives with a sense of purpose, as they understand that their actions and choices in this life will have a direct impact on their future lives.

One Soul, Many Lives

The body a soul incarnates into, and the lessons and challenges they have to experience are unique to each individual soul. The soul is able to incarnate in both humanoid and non-humanoid forms, and each life is interconnected with the lives in the past and interconnected with the lives of others. This interconnectedness is seen as a way for the soul to learn from and influence the growth of other souls.   Some believe that the incarnation is determined by the accumulated consequences of the soul's actions in past lives, this is a belief system similar to Dynamic Soul Theory. Others think that the soul is divinely appointed to their next cycle as a form of Divine Judgement.   Most people belief that the ultimate goal of the Cycle of Many Lives, is for the soul to reach a state of enlightenment, or understanding and realization of its true nature. It is believed that once the soul has reached this state, it is able to break free from the cycle of reincarnation and attain a state of permanent spiritual liberation in the afterlife.
Related Theories
Dynamic Soul Theory
Divine Judgement
Metaphysical, Astral


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