Hydrosmith Profession in The Sea of Starlight | World Anvil


A hydrosmith is an artisan who uses Watersmithing to forge and shape metal objects. This unique and specialized craft combines the traditional techniques of blacksmithing with the manipulation of water and sometimes steam to create a wide range of metal products. Hydrosmiths are highly trained and knowledgeable in both the practical and theoretical aspects of their craft.

Way of Water

To become a hydrosmith, an individual must first undergo extensive training and education in both metalworking and water manipulation. This may include traditional blacksmithing techniques, such as hammering, shaping, and heat treatment to understand how the metal reacts to being manipulated in various ways. The training always involves a number of specialized techniques for working with highly pressurized and magically enhanced water and steam through the use of a Surge Foundry through which they are able to control the flow and pressure of water in order to shape and temper the metal as it is being forged.

Fluid Expertise

In order to create the designs a watersmith may want to forge, they need a strong foundation in the theoretical aspects of their craft. This includes an understanding of the physics of fluid dynamics and thermodynamics of water and steam. Of course they also need to know the properties of different metals and how they behave when exposed to water and steam at different temperatures and pressures.
Related Technologies
Related Buildings
Surge Foundry


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