Ironthorn Species in The Sea of Starlight | World Anvil


The Ironthorn tree is a species of tree that grows in various parts of Azuno and is known for its incredibly tough, thorny bark. It grows particularly well in rocky and desolate landscapes and is one of the few plants that thrives in the harsh and tempestuous conditions of the Stormbreak Achipelago.  

Bark of Thorns

The Ironthorn tree is easily recognized by its dense, dark bark, riddled with sharp thorns that are incredibly tough. These thorns can grow up to 3 inches and are known for their remarkable durability. The tree itself is robust with a thick trunk and roots that delve deep into the ground, allowing it to thrive in the harsh environment it typically grows in. The tough exterior of the tree makes it resistant to various predators and harsh weather conditions. It also makes it a reliable shelter for many small birds and other creatures. The tree also serves as a natural barrier, as it often grows (or is planted in) clusters that form an almost impenetrable thicket.   Various cultures within Azuno have found innovative uses for the Ironthorn tree's thorns. Artisans and weaponsmiths typically harvest these thorns during the winter months, which is when the thorns are supposedly at their strongest. This proces requires specialized tools and techniques to avoid serious injury. When successfully harvested, the thorns can be used to craft durable needles and tools but also arrows and darts, which are able to pierce through tough hides and even armor. The thorns of the Ironthorn tree are also sometimes incorporated into unique armors. The thorns are strategically attached to wooden, leather or fabric bases, which results in armor that is both intimidating and protective. These thorned armors are fairly complex and expensive to manufacture but provide an added layer of defense against wildlife and predators.
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