Runestylus of Ferocity

Rare Wand
Requires proficiency with Calligrapher's Tools

Place Rune. This wand has 1d8 charges when you find it. As an action, you can tap it on a non-magical melee weapon. This causes a glowing arcane rune to appear on it for the next hour. For the duration, the weapon grants the wielder an effect depending on the rune that is placed on it. This feature can be used once and can be used again after midnight. When all charges have been expended, the wand crumbles to dust.   Ferocity Runes
Focus+1 to attack rolls
PrecisionAttacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20
ImpactAttacks deal an additional 1d4 Force damage.
DrainingRegain 2d4 hit points on a critical hit.
Variant of


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