Stolz of Rornach was the Duke of Rornach and one of the few Tieflings in a position of power within the Kingdom of Wolfsbrunn. He had quite a talent for magic but also knew how to wield his political powers within the kingdom.
Stolz grew up in Rornach as an orphan on the streets of Aceda. In his teenage years Stolz found out he had innate arcane abilities. He started experimenting, practicing and studying the arcane. Stealing books and sneaking into places of knowledge, little by little, Stolz learned more about his own abilities and even learned some of the theory and intricacies of magic.
Stolz became an apprentice to a wizard on Invida. A few years into his apprenticeship his master died in an unfortunate encounter with an abberation while on a quest to find longforgotten tomes and artifacts from the War of the Towers in Talvald. Stolz escaped and took control over the wizard's estate. This sudden rise in Stolz's social standing and his continued growing arcane prowess would continue to grow up to the point where he would be elected as the Envoy of Invida and later as the Duke of Rornach.
As is tradition for the Duke of Rornach, Stolz tookup residence in the Vanagloria. During his rule, life had been peaceful for the citizens of Rornach. Stolz was not quick to anger or go into a fight. He has been criticized for complying with Morhan and providing millitary aid in battles and wars that the city of Rornach has no particular stake in. After the Night without Stars, Stolz attempted to make Rornach the capitol of the Kingdom of Wolfsbrunn, but eventually seceded the crown to Morhan.

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