Tome of Teaching

Wondrous Item, Rarity varies

These types of books allow a person to become proficient in various languages and tools. The pages of such a book are enchanted so that they resonate more directly with the reader's mind. These enchantments connect directly with the mind of the first person who spends some time read the book, which means it can only be used once after it has been created. The enchantment is able to bypass a number of conventional memory and learning barriers which makes these type of tomes effective even for individuals with difficulties with traditional learning methods. There are two major types of tomes, Tonguetomes for languages, and Tooltomes for tools.

Tomes of Tongues

Learning Languages. The pages of these books are enchanted with auditory illusion magic. When you read a Tonguetome, you hear the words written in it spoken in your mind. This enchantment allows you to comprehend and learn the language written within its pages more quickly. When you read such a book for at least 1 hour, the enchantment imprints on you, and the book can no longer be used by another creature. To learn a new language using one of these tomes, you must dedicate time to studying it. The time required equals a number of weeks equal to 8 minus your Intelligence modifier. Upon completion of this study, you gain proficiency with the language and have the ability to speak, read, and write the language fluently.  
Standard Tonguetomes
d8 Language
1 Common
2 Dwarvish
3 Elvish
4 Giant
5 Gnomish
6 Goblin
7 Halfling
8 Orc
Exotic Tonguetomes
d8 Language
1 Abyssal
2 Celestial
3 Draconic
4 Deep Speech
5 Infernal
6 Primordial
7 Sylvan
8 Undercommon

Tomes of Tools

The pages of these types of books are enchanted with visual illusion magic. This enchantment allows you to visualize the use and/or application of a set of tools in the processes described within the pages clearly in your mind. When you read such a book for at least 1 hour, the enchantment imprints on you, and the book can no longer be used by another creature. To learn how to use a set of tools using a tome, you must dedicate time to studying and practicing the techniques within the book for a number of weeks depending on the set of tools and specific modifiers. You need an amount of gp worth of materials (that are fully expended in the process) and the set of tools themselves. Upon completion of the study, you gain proficiency with tools and have successfully crafted or created a certain product. The time, costs and product per book are outlined in the table below. The study does not grant knowledge of every singular detail (such as products, recipes or fabrication processes) associated with the craft or set of tools. Further knowledge may require additional research or study from different sources.   Tooltome Variants
Tool Weeks Cost Product
Alchemist’s Supplies 20 - twice your Intelligence modifier 200 gp Potion of Healing
Brewer's Supplies 20 - twice your Wisdom modifier 200 gp Cask with 2 gallons of ale
10 - twice your Dexterity modifier 40 gp Letter, poem, or song in beautiful calligraphy
Carpenter’s Tools 20 - twice your Intelligence modifier 32 gp Wooden crate that fits in a 5ft. cube
Cartographer’s Tools 20 - twice your Wisdom modifier 60 gp High quality map of a location you are familiar with
Cobbler’s Tools 10 - twice your Dexterity modifier 20 gp Set of boots
Cook’s Utensils 10 - twice your Wisdom modifier 8 gp Five rations
Disguise Kit 20 - twice your Wisdom modifier 100 gp Disguise of a persona you created
Forgery Kit 20 - your Dexterity and Intelligence modifier 60 gp Forgery of a document you own, consisting of up to 3 pages
Glassblower’s Tools 20 - twice your Wisdom modifier 120 gp Ten glass vials
Herbalism Kit 20 - twice your Wisdom modifier 20 gp Vial of Antitoxin
Jeweler's Tools 20 - your Dexterity and Intelligence modifier 100 gp Silver ring or bracelet
Leatherworker's Tools 20 - twice your Wisdom modifier 20 gp Set of leather gloves
Mason's Tools 20 - your Strength and Wisdom modifier 40 gp 10ft. wide, 5ft. high stone wall
Navigator's Tools 20 - your Intelligence and Wisdom modifier 50 gp -
Painter's Supplies 20 - twice your Wisdom modifier 40 gp Medium sized painting of a subject of your choice
Poisoner's Kit 20 - twice your Wisdom modifier 200 gp Two vials of basic poison
Potter's Tools 20 - your Dexterity and Wisdom modifier 40 gp Four cups or mugs, or a single vase
Smith's Tools 20 - your Strength and Wisdom modifier 80 gp Two iron daggers
Thief's Tools 20 - your Dexterity and Wisdom modifier 50 gp -
Tinker's Tools 20 - twice your Intelligence modifier 200 gp Compass
Weaver's Tools 10 - twice your Dexterity modifier 8 gp Scarf
Woodcarver's Tools 10 - twice your Dexterity modifier. 8 gp Set of chess pieces


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