
Yerevy is the deity of mirrors and reflections. She is often depicted as a woman with silver skin and hair. Every inch of her reflects the light and darkness of her surroundings but her eyes do not reflect light as they are pitch black. Looking into those eyes is said to be akin as to looking into an endless abyss.


Unlike most of the Divines, who came into being through the arrangement of the stars, Yverevy first came into existence through the reflection of these lights in the rippling water of lakes and rivers across the world. She was a reflection of the Divines who would appear in the night, granting wisdom and knowledge to the people about themselves. Those lucky enough to encounter her gained great knowledge about what their own purpose was in life, but she was also known to play tricks on people by making them believe to see things that were not there.


Over time, her divine presence and the mystery surrounding her existence gathered some following and through Divine Ascension, her name was written in the stars. Since that moment, her existence became more permanent and not solely dependent on the coincidence of the starlight reflecting in the rippling waters of the world. Another theory that some religions speak of, is that one of the Divines encountered her and as they saw themselves reflected in her decided that she also must be a divine being. In deciding so they caused the stars to realign for her ascension.

Alternate Reality

It is thought that up to the point of her ascenscion, Yverevy only truly ever existed in the Plane of Mirrors, but some scholars even speculate of an entire mirrored universe that is the complete opposite of our own reality. The implications of such a universe has baffled many great thinkers and philosophers. Theories about an inevitable battle between the two realities have not even been fully proven, but there are some prophets that have alluded to such an event happening in the future.


Followers of Yverevy view mirrors as sacred objects and some even use them to communicate with her. Reflective metallic surfaces as well as surfaces of water are also symbolic for the Mirror Maiden. Religions for Yverevy are slightly different from culture to culture but in general they are focussed on looking at oneself for progress as well as reflecting danger for protection. The focus is commonly on finding the good and the divine within oneself, and followers of Yverevy might believe they are able to find these things in their own reflection in a mirror. People and clerics that worship Yverevy are at best experts of self-reflection and illusion, but at worst they are deceptive, egoistic and egotistical people who do not care for others.
The Mirror Maiden
The Silver Princess
Divine Classification
Chaotic Neutral
Associated Domains
Associated Magic


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Jan 4, 2022 13:42

I love this deity; the idea of a deity based on reflections is a really awesome concept and I love how the reflection motif shows up everywhere- even her palindrome name! That's some impressive attention to detail. In general I love the origin of your deities, too, it's really unique and magical.

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