Lesser Mark of Weakness

Minor Necromancy Curse (Object)

Description. This curse is put on objects to seep the energy from a creature touching it. The curse afflicts a creature after using the cursed object, rendering them weak and losing some vitality and physical strength. This effect is intensified when they are in direct contact with the cursed item, but the curse lingers even when they are no longer touching the item.   Effects. When a creature touches this object for the first time, and for the first time after they have finished a long rest, they have to make a Strength saving throw (DC 13). On a failed save they become Cursed. While Cursed in this way, their Strength and Constitution scores are reduced by 2. Additionally, while they are in direct contact with the item, they also have disadvantage on all Strength based ability checks and saving throws.   Breaking. No longer touching the item only removes the disadvantage on Strength based ability checks and saving throws. The curse itself can be broken by a Remove Curse spell or a spell with a similar effect.
Type of Magic
School of Magic
Greater Mark of Weakness


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