Once the heart of the Koravi Kingdom, Korav has become lost to time and its own ambitions. The humble town stood on the slopes of Mount Parro. The ruins remain largely unexplored, shrouded in mystery, and marked by the aftermath of the foolishness of its creators. The settlement was mostly self sufficient and protected by the natural defenses of the sea around the island, and the jungle on it. The town grew slowly overtime and flowed with the land. Streets curved to accommodate trees and streams, and courtyards and atriums allowed the jungle to weave itself into the town.The town itself was never heavily fortified, relying instead on natural defenses and its enchanted wildlife, a decision that would ultimately lead to its downfall.
2. Path of Sacred Towers
3. The Small Square
1. Royal Palace of Koravi2. Path of Sacred Towers
3. The Small Square
Magic and alchemy intertwined with daily life, strengthening crops, guiding water, and, most famously, empowering the creatures of the land to serve as its guardians. These practices were embraced by its scholars, artisans, and leaders alike. However, with each new experiment, each creature modified beyond its natural state, the delicate balance that had sustained the town began to unravel. The exact moment or reason of the town's collapse is unknown, but over 80 years have passed since the last known inhabitant walked its streets. The ruins bear evidence of sudden and unnatural destruction. Entire sections of buildings and roads simply missing, as though the material itself had been unmade. Many buildings have collapsed entirely, while others stand with impossible voids, where sections of stone and wood seem to have simply ceased to be. Those who have ventured into Korav’s remains report an unsettling atmosphere, as if the town itself remembers what transpired and refuses to let go of its past.Ruins and Remains
Scattered throughout the ruins, homes and houses remain in varying degrees of decay. Some stand defiant against time, while others have been swallowed entirely by the jungle. On some of the more intact buildings, intricate carvings in the stone can still be perceived, most of them stylized motifs of moths and butterflies. The royal palace was one of the largest structures within the kingdom, its walls now crumbled and halls left hollow, claimed by vines and silence. It remains the most distinct ruin, though much of its stone has fractured or vanished, leaving unnatural gaps in the earth. A road winds up the mountain through the remains of several gated towers, each once a checkpoint for worshippers making their pilgrimage toward the tower temple at the peak. Though these gates have also collapsed or been taken over by the jungle, the arches and standing pillars still bear some markings of their purpose.
Ruined in
6932 AV
6932 AV
Location under
Included Locations