Old Oyster
The Old Oyster is the flagship of the Small Fleet. It is a sturdy looking galley that has seen many repairs over the years. It is unknown whether or not the Old Oyster is the same ship that captain Nalberto Stoutfern-Brett first acquired from the Brett family's matriarch or that it has been replaced over the years.
Trade or Take
The Old Oyster started out as a merchant ship ferrying (illicit) goods over the seas for the Grey Cartel and the Brett family. As the years progressed, its captain decided there was much more to be earned on the high seas through piracy. As per the code of the cartel, the Oyster only raids ships of wealthy merchants and nobles and leaves other pirates or travelers to their own devices.First of the Fleet
The Old Oyster was the first ship in the Small Fleet, the second was the much heavier Big Barnacle and the latest addition to the fleet was the nimble Sweet Scallop. Even though the Old Oyster is an old vessel that may not be the fastest, strongest or prettiest, its power resides in its captain who has learned to commandeer it masterfully through many a storm and battle.
Owning Organization
6m (20ft)
40m (130ft.)
30m (100ft.)
10km/h (6mph)