
Few of the Divines have a history as ancient and unknown as Anuitac, 'The Weaver'. The mistress of fate and divination, revered and feared for her the history and future of all. Her followers believe she is the spinner of the cosmic threads that bind the universe, dictating the destinies of mortals and gods alike. Some believe that he existence of The Weaver even predates the existence of The Origin and she was born from the cosmic silence itself. Others believe her to be created from the cataclysmic events that birthed the Sea of Starlight.

Face of Fate

The Weaver is often depicted as a serene yet formidable woman with six arms, each wielding a tool essential to her craft, typically spools of threads, shears and needles. She is usually shown draped in long flowing robes with intricate designs and patterns, and a veil that covers her face. Typically spiders and web patterns are included in these depictions. In some cultures, The Weaver is not seen as a goddess but rather as a primeval force of nature, embodying the spider itself. In these traditions, she is both creator and creation, spinning threads directly from her being, weaving the very fabric of reality without any tools but her own form.   In many beliefs, the Weaver has a connection to an ancient cosmic sheep, a celestial entity whose existence is believed to intertwinee with the fundamental structure of the Sea of Starlight. Its fleece is thought to be imbued with the purest Nebulantium and with the essence of destiny itself and that from this celestial wool that The Weaver spins the threads that hold together time, space and reality.

Lost in Time

In the current age, only individual followers of The Weaver remain, often secluded and scattered across the realms. These followers include seers, necromancers, and craftspeople, particularly those involved in weaving and spinning. Historically, her temples were vast archives of prophecy and esoteric knowledge, filled with spinning wheels and looms. These sacred spaces once hosted grand ceremonies every decade where followers wove magnificent tapestries that predicted the events of the next ten years, offered up in devotion to The Weaver.

Tapestry of Lives

The Weaver teaches her followers that fate is both inescapable and mutable. Woven tightly yet always capable of being re-threaded. She encourages understanding the past and present through divination to better navigate the future. Necromancy, under her guidance, is practiced not as a dark art but as a means to commune with the spirits. By consulting with the dead, her followers gain insights into past events, unresolved issues, and the wisdom these spirits carried. In situations where the fabric of fate becomes frayed or damaged perhaps due to unnatural deaths or unfinished business, Necromancy is employed to restore balance, ensuring that every spirit finds its rightful place in this life and the next. Because of the Weaver's connection to life and death, she became important in end of life rituals in many places.
Fate Itself
Maker of the Tapestry
The Face of Fate
The Grand Spider
Maker of the Tapestry
The Weaver
Divine Classification
Prime Deity
Associated Domains
Associated Magic


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