Plane of Water

The elemental plane of water is a realm of existence that is composed almost entirely of water. The plane is similar to an endless dark ocean, with powerful currents and unpredictable tidal movements. However, there are also places that are more like a quiet pond or serene lake.

Eb and Flow

The plane is known for massive waves and whirlpools that can quickly swallow up any creature but it is also home to islands of ice, hot springs and quiet glades. The plane is not exactly bottomless in the sense that there are ocean floors made of pure ice in some places. In addition to powerful storms, blizzards and the tides, the elemental plane of water is also known for various weather phenomena. Rain, snow and hail are all common on the plane, and can pose a threat to travelers. Rain on the plane can range from light sprinkles to intense downpours. The weather can be highly unpredictable and pose a danger for those who are not prepared for it.   The inhabitants of the elemental plane of water include a variety of aquatic creatures, such as water elementals, sea monsters, and other water breathing and amphibian beings. Many of these creatures are powerful and fearsome, with the ability to control the water around them. Some are intelligent and capable of communication, while others are little more than wild beasts. There are also communities of sentient beings within the plane of water, but most creatures there are generally solitary. Of course there are also aquatic creatures that live in large groups or schools.

Elemental Borders

he elemental plane of water borders the other elemental planes of earth, air, and fire. The borders between these planes are fluid and constantly shifting, with elements from each plane mixing and blending together. The border between the plane of water and the plane of air is where one may find intense storms, whirlpools, and powerful winds. Usually this border is marked by a thick fog that does not dissipate despite the hard winds.   The border between the plane of water and the plane of earth is a mixture of murky waters, swamps and even pools of acid. It is a place of great instability and change, as the planes battle for dominance. The water may erode the earth, creating new channels and waterways, while the earth may rise up to create new landmasses that forces the water back to its plane.   The border between the plane of water and the plane of fire is perhaps the most volatile of all. When the two planes meet, the water from the water plane is instantly boiled away by the heat of the fire plane, creating massive clouds of steam and scalding steam vents.
Alternative Name(s)
The Infinite Depths
The Primordial Ocean
Plane of Existence
Location under
Inhabiting Species
Related Creatures
Related Items
Elemental Items


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