Varic Trafina Character in The Sea of Starlight | World Anvil

Varic Trafina

Varic Trafina was a wood Elf from Ankoya. He was part of the group of heroes known as Semper Solari. His survival skills as well as his exceptional abilities in ranged combat and dimensional magic were invaluable for the group to bring about the defeat of the The Red Queen and The Blood in 6738 AV.

Early Life

Varic lived in a tribe of people that protected and nurtured an Astris Tree in the jungles of Azuno. He used to roam the jungles, hunting down creatures that would travel from their native planes to the material plane through the portals the Astris tree created. Throughout his early life, he honed his skills in tracking, stealth, and wilderness survival. It was also during this time that he discovered inherent arcane energies between dimensional planes which he was able to master and wield in combat.   When a group of unknown people settled in the lands near the Astris Tree, the tribe formed an alliance with them and their leader, Kervel Gluv. These newcomers had their own powerful magic to rid the land of creatures, and were able to provide a certain sense of security. Varic would eventually collaborate often with the group who called themselves 'the Blood', and in time was fully initiated as a member. However, in time Varic came to realize that Kervel was solely focussed on power, without regard for the lives of the people he would impact.   While Varic was on a hunt, Kervel told his followers about the return of a magnificent goddess, and that he believed she could return through the magic of the Astris Tree. Kervel and his warriors attacked the Astris Tree and massacred all the members of Varic's old tribe. After which they took control of the Astris Tree and started to experiment with its magic. Upon Varic's return, he was ordered by Kervel to kill anyone within the area that would not submit to them and to find a descendant of some ancient hero. Enraged by the betrayal, Varic lit the Astris Tree on fire and fled into the jungle in an attempt to warn as many people as he could.
  Varic was almost killed himself by some of Kervel's most powerful warriors before he could reach anyone, but even though he managed to fight them off, they delayed him for too long. Upon reaching a millitary encampment of a New Ankoyan regiment, Varic discovered that everyone had either fled or been slaughtered. There was just one person left who was trapped at the bottom of a well: Zandramor Industar.
  Feeling profound guilt for not reaching the encampment in time, Varic took it upon himself to protect and shelter Zandramor, no matter the cost. Varic and Zandramor united in their resolve to find and eliminate Kervel and The Blood. However, after hunting down a few of them, most of them disappeared when the Astris Tree was fully destroyed. Eventually, Varic and Zandramor chose to part ways, each pursuing their own paths. However, several years later, news reached Varic that Zandramor had been captured by the Blood and taken to Wolfsbrunn. Driven by loyalty and friendship, Varic embarked on a mission to liberate his friend from captivity.

Semper Solari

He was able to locate Zandramor on the island of Stratos in the port of Stor and broke him free. Together they used a teleportation scroll which led them to a ruined city in the mountains close to Hartloch. They arrived in the city of Hartloch shortly before the city was invaded by devils in an event now known as The Hell of Hartloch. During this conflict, Varic and Zandramor became members of Semper Solari, a group of heroes who coincidentally had found out about the plans of The Blood to bring back the Blood Queen Varoda and intended to stop that from happening.
  Even though Varic became a part of Semper Solari and was fully committed to their cause, there was a moment where there was some doubt about where his intentions or goals. When Varic chose to reveal that he had been a member of The Blood in the past, it raised some concern amongst the other members of Semper Solari. However, they soon decided that his actions since his desertion from the cult were far more important than what he did in the past and understood why he had kept his secret from them up to that point.   During his time as a member of Semper Solari, Varic remained a friendly and focussed individual despite the many hardships the group went through. He was known for his quick remarks and jokes, but admired for his skills in both dimensional magic and archery. He was able to fend of many foes and threats the group encountered during their efforts to save the realm from Varic's former allies. Varic's arcane abilities allowed him to teleport short distances and unleash arrows at a rapid pace with great accuracy. During the final confrontation with Varoda, he was even able to create a small dimensional fracture which he used to his advantage in combat by shooting arrows through it which struck their target with far greater force. Later Life TBD

Notable Acts

  • Aided in the liberation of Hartloch during The Hell of Hartloch for which he earned the Platinum Heart.
  • Killed the death knight Kervel Gluv in the Palace of the Red Queen in the Abandoned Underworld
  • Defeated Varoda together with Semper Solari in the winter of 6738 AV.
  • Restored the Astris Trees in both the Blackvald and Azuno together with Illikan Thuliaga, Rosanna Syl Fenling and the Blackvald druids.
  • Ethnicity
    Brown, Medium length
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Aligned Organization


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