Nevaria Character in The Sea of Starlight | World Anvil


Nevaria's dominion encompasses the guidance of lost souls and the guardianship of secrets. She is the goddess of ravens, lost souls, secrets and silence. Legend tells of her origin as a raven that learned the arcane secrets hidden amongst the stars, and through her knowledge of this celestial magic, transformed herself into a woman who mastered many forms of magic and eventually ascended to divinity. She is typically depicted as a beautiful individual cloaked in a mantle of black feathers, with her eight ravens surrounding her.

Lost Souls

Nevaria is seen as a compassionate deity who guides the souls of the living and the departed to wherever they need to be. Temples, churches and cathedrals of Nevaria often serve as a site where the dying come to be closer to Nevaria in their final moments, where the deceased are remembered, and the grieving seek comfort. To those mourning the departed, she offers solace, a comforting presence affirming that their loved ones are guided and cared for in their final journey. Nevaria also guides those who have lost their way in life, be it physically or spiritually. As ravens are also used as messenger birds, following the direction a raven flies towards will often lead someone who is lost back to civilization. Because of this, she is viewed as a protector of travelers, ensuring they stay the course while on their way to their destinations.

Secrets and Silence

As the deity of secrets, Nevaria is the divine guardian of all that is unspoken and concealed. Just like ravens like to collect shiny objects, it is believed Nevaria gathers secrets, hoarding them like precious gems and keeping them from those who would use them for evil or selfish reasons. All ravens are believed to be her eyes and ears in the mortal realm, gathering secrets and knowledge for her, but the eight ravens she is often depicted with have a greater task. These birds are believed to be incarnations of each of the eight schools of magic, given life by Nevaria herself. These eight ravens are each tasked to seek out and collect lost and hidden magical knowledge for her. They are thought to be particularly drawn to artifacts, scrolls, and tomes of magical significance, hoarding them as part of Nevaria’s vast compendium of arcane wisdom.
As I finished writing down another variation of the formula for a restorative ointment of my own design, I saw a raven, perched on the rooftop just across my window A good omen perhaps from Our Lady of Secrets.
— Note from an Alchemist

Arcane Ascension

Because of Nevaria's ascension to divinity through her understanding of the secrets of magic, she is also seen as a guardian of arcane knowledge and often worshipped by wizards, sorcerers, and other practitioners of magic. Her followers in these circles seek her favor to gain deeper insights into the arcane arts and to unlock magical secrets. Nevaria may inspire or gift these secrets to her followers, but she does not always approve of them being passed on or spread without her consent.   With regards to sharing her wisdom, her benevolence has its limits, especially towards those who share or deliberately abuse the secrets she has revealed to them. She explicitely hates those of her followers that willingly use the knowledge she granted them for evil or deceit. An example of her punitive nature is the infamous Flight of Nevaria, a Nightmask Plague that ravaged the material plane and was widely believed to be a curse from Nevaria herself onto the people who abused powerful magic.


Her followers believe that Nevaria possesses an omniscient understanding of the hidden truths she collects and she holds the keys to knowledge that is often sought after but rarely fully understood or revealed. The reverence for Nevaria in this aspect often involves a delicate balance between seeking knowledge and respecting the sanctity of that which is supposed to remain hidden. Her followers look to Nevaria for guidance in navigating the complex labyrinth of secrets, seeking her blessing to uncover truths without overstepping the boundaries that she safeguards.
  The worship of Nevaria is typically a solitary, solemn and introspective affair, often conducted in secluded and dimly lit sanctuaries. Her places of worship are serene and somber places, where the air is often thick with incense and lit by candles casting long, dancing shadows. The sound of hushed prayers and whispered chants blend with the occasional soft caw of resident ravens. The presence of these birds within the temples serves as a constant reminder of Nevaria's own divine presence, her watchful gaze and blessing. Her temples often contain hidden libraries or secret chambers where arcane texts and magical tomes are kept. These repositories are treasure troves of magical knowledge, closely guarded and accessible only to her most devoted and trusted followers.
Our Lady of Secrets
The Ascended Raven
The Ebonwing Matriach
Divine Classification
Associated Domains
Related Items
Mask of the Raven Disciple
Raven's Edge
Raven Scratch
Wand of the Two Ravens


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